Health Services
HEALTH SERVICES Mrs. Mary Renz, School Nurse
973-226-0505, ext. 208
It is advisable that each child be taken to his family physician annually for a comprehensive health evaluation. Any health problem which might interfere with a child's schooling should
be reported to the school nurse in order to keep your child's school health report current. It is the policy of the school that no medication will be given to any student during the course of a
day except in emergencies, at which time the school must have written permission from the physician authorizing designated school personnel to dispense the medication. All medication
(including non-prescription, over-the-counter medication) is to be administered by the school nurse or under her direction, only upon the prescription of a doctor.
Under no circumstances may a child have in his possession, or administer to herself/himself, any medication in school, or on the school grounds except for life-saving medication such as
epinephrine auto-injectors and inhalers.
Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature (100.4) or above is considered a fever), a severe cold, vomiting or diarrhea or any other sign of illness. Children
need to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. If he/she is recovering from a disease or illness please do not let him/her return to school until he/she is able to participate in
the regular activities of the school day, except in case of long convalescence. If your child becomes ill at school, you will be notified immediately.It is imperative that all pupil injuries related in any way to school activities or operation, be reported to school authorities at once.
First Aid
In the event of a cut, scrape, or minor injury, first aid will be administered.
In the event of any injury of a more serious nature, we shall contact the home immediately.
Communicable Diseases
The following Precautionary Policies have been approved by the school physician:Chicken Pox - Child should be kept home from school until six (6) days after onset of rash. All crusts and scabs need not have fallen off. Mumps - Child should be kept home from school for the period of acute illness, but no longer than six (6) days. Measles -
(German)Child should be kept home from school for three (3) days from appearance of rash. Measles - Child should be kept home from school for seven (7) days from appearance of rash. If another child in the family has not had measles, the parent should immediately contact his physician regarding receipt of live virus measles vaccine in one of the proven schedules and/or gamma globulin. Streptococcal - Child should be kept home from school until clinical recovery or at least 24 hours after the commencement of specific medication. Home contact should receive throat cultures, and if culture is positive, receive specific medication for prophylaxis. Conjunctivitis -
(Pink Eye)Child should be kept home from school. The child should be receiving medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school. Impetigo - Child must be isolated and may return to school when released by Physician. Whopping Cough -
Child is to be kept home at least twenty-one (21) days after onset of disease or until released by Physician. Common Cold - The common cold, as well as being communicable, is the forerunner of many other communicable diseases. Thus, it is recommended that children suffering from common colds be kept home to prevent the spread of the cold. (Common sense should be your guide.) Flu Vaccine- This is a state requirement of all preschoolers each year. A note from a physician verifying date administered is required. Tuberculin Testing
The Mantoux Intra dermal tuberculin test using five tuberculin units of P.P.D. tuberculin shall be the only test used to detect evidence of tuberculosis infection in pupils and employees.
Student who transfer from another country or state who do not have a valid record of Mantoux tuberculin test result are to be tested.
SAFETY Bicycle:
A bicycle safety program has been established under the direction of the Essex Fells Police Department which includes the examination and licensing of bicycles.
Additional information will be sent home in regard to times and places in the spring.
Copies of the bicycle ordinance are available at the police station.
For the safety of young children, the school and the police department request that no child below the third grade be allowed to ride a bicycle to school. Bicycle racks are available at school for youngsters in grades 3-6 who ride to school. It is suggested that children not ride bicycles during inclement weather. Children must wear bicycle helmets at all times while riding.
INSURANCE Although the Board of Education offers parents an opportunity to have their children enrolled in an accident insurance plan, as a convenience to parents, it should be clearly understood that the Essex Fells Board of Education does not endorse or sponsor a student accident program.
Information regarding this accident insurance plan will be sent home with your child in September.
In the event of an accident for children covered by this plan, please notify the school promptly. The school has the necessary forms which must be filed and will give you the address of the claims office.